Sunday, December 4, 2011

What is the meaning of remit money?

Is remiting money the same thing as international money transfer which you can do at your banks? I want to transfer some money to China for my aunt and she told me to remit the money to her account. For my understanding Remiting money is same thing as transfering money from 1 bank account to another bank account within the nation or internationally.|||Remitting money is 姹囨 in Mandarin. Yes, you can remit the money through a bank, but that same bank must have branches back in China so that your aunt could collect the money from there. There is a certain service charge for this, which means, you have to pay a certain amount to the bank. I hope this is simple enough for you to understand ;)|||Have you thought about 萤邪谐n褨ng your more money 慰n螜褨n萤? I wanted a loan nevertheless I made the decision to see if I could secure what I wanted by harnessing the strength of YOU TUBE. After a few weeks I was 萤邪谐n褨ng enough money to think about quitting my job. You can check it out for yourself here they have a risk free trial. It's a lot better 萤邪谐n褨ng money than borrowing it! Go to the 蠅萤鞋褧褨t萤 now to discover what it is all about - you'll be pleased that you did!|||~~Remitting just means "send." So your understanding your aunt, either transfer or wire the money to her account.~~

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