Thursday, December 15, 2011

Do you think the fund should now be used for finding Madeleine?

My view is that they must search after 100 days or so has gone!

The money is sitting there gathering dust and interest daily.

The appointment of a top investigative team should be looking for Madeleine. The team could have a clear remit to discuss, research, listen, chase, search, pursue sightings, alert authorities of sightings, gather evidence and publish material.

Why has the fund not been used to search for this child - the majority donations were made for this purpose.

Don't just say they might already be doing this - Gerry would have already blogged it.|||I KNOW!!!! The mind boggles when it comes to the McCanns and their odd behaviour!|||good point! they could be using the money for the best investigators money can buy.

Then again, maybe they are planning on using the money for their expenses due to the long stay in Portugal.

Either way it does seem a bit fishy.|||I totally agree with you on this one! 100%|||I think that the donation money should go to either finding her or if she is already dead catching and destroying the chain of criminals that did it to prevent them re-offending which they will! If they find them the left over should go to helping other parents finding their kidnapped children.|||Perhaps they don't want the circumstances of their daughters disappearance investigated too closely.They seem more interested in their own public image.|||"The Madeleine Fund"... AKA the fathers new Ferrari / New house..etc... there making a packet of cash from this makes me want to puke ...Its just like the mother of Suzie Lampue that went missing 10+ years ago .. she is now worth Millions due to the books she has written about "Her Sad Loss"... ( but the money helps ).... Just Waite and see .. These Murderes are going to get "A Best Seller" ...|||You would think that with all the monies collected that their first priority would be to hire an investigative team to search for her. The Mccann's have always praised the PJ for the job and their efforts but suddenly they have lost faith in them....another action which i question.

Anyone would want to utilise the fund to any avenue possible which may assist in finding madeleine I cannot understand why they would prefer to hire a campaign manager, legal team etc...why won't they open their eyes and see that all their campaigning has left then back at square one. I wish they would smarten up.|||Makes you wonder what the intended purposes were for the mone doesn't it? It certainly hasn't been used to find their daughter.

All I've heard about in the past few days, is that Gerry wants to do another poster campaign. Why? It hasn't exactly been a success so far has it?|||Very well said. I agree with you 100%|||my view is that firstly ....poor maddy is long gone. sad but most likely true. so best use for that money would be giving it to children that still have a chance of survival in third world countries. and mentioned gerrys blog, well he should rename it gerrys BLAG cos thats what hes doing......trying to blag his way out daily.|||How do you know this. Are you on the board of trustees|||Has Gerry put it in a account, where if he draws money out he will have to pay a penalty?

I bet they have made a fair bit in interest by now.

Luke n,

You know a lot about this fund eh?|||I just can't believe they haven't done so already. It's just sat in someones bank account gaining interest!!|||Money is not the answer to finding her. To find you need to know where to look. Someone, somewhere, knows exactly where she is. It is up to the public to solve crimes, the police cannot do it all.|||it should have been used for finding Madeleine from the start. that is why people gave money to the fund, not so that they could have an extended holiday in the sun


luke ---- where did i say that they were enjoying it??|||Angel

I can't believe you don't know others are managing the fund and control what monies are released.

Although the fund is mostly run by friends and family of the couple, they are keeping a tight rein on how the money is spent and have released just 拢70,000 from the 拢1,005,000 donated.

This has gone towards setting up a Find Madeleine website, producing wristbands, posters and T-shirts bearing the 'Look for Madeleine' motto, the cost of a campaign manager as well as legal fees.

They obviously believe the eyes and ears of everybody are better than a few detectives who have no obvious leads.


That's a pretty callous comment, whatever the truth how could they be enjoying it, especially as they are receiving no pay and are paying for the villa they are using themselves.

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