Monday, December 12, 2011

Will Gay Marriage lead to a higher taxes remitted to California?

The Marriage Tax Penalty; will now be shared equally!|||Marriage has always been considered something that is involved in a religious context. A couple hundred years ago, there was no such thing as a marriage license. The legal significance of marriage has to do primarily with the states unquenchable hunger for revenue. Secondary interest involves other areas where the state has usurped authority, not intended by the Founders.

Relationships between consenting adults, or adults and other forms of life are of little interests to us as individuals. If two men, or two women, or two men and a parakeet think they are married, who cares? The problem with the definition of marriage manifests itself when questions of taxation, or child custody arise.

Since the idea of marriage regarding taxation is supposed to encourage the family (that means a man, a woman and children), many, if not most Americans are upset at two men, or two women trying to receive similar benefits.

The ruling of homosexual judges aside, the states primary interest in marriage is to encourage the family, not to give benefit to whatever type of living arrangement multiple individuals desire.

If government were reduced to its proper function of protecting life and property, we wouldn't care what people do. When the law favoring marriage is stretched to include various living arrangements of choice, there is a problem.|||absolutely yes!|||In theory, it would already have done so since anyone who registered as a domestic partnership had to already file as married at the state level.

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